Saturday, February 24, 2024

Story Outline / Brainstorming

Today, I will be brainstorming on the outline for my story on my script. The genre I have is a horror genre movie so I want to make sure it will be suspensful. 

    The idea Im having is to have mainly a chase scene of a person being chased by a mysterious figure in the woods eventually getting caught. Throughout this chase scene, It will be dark, filled with trees, and the character running will be sweating and scared. Making many obstacles for the character running to struggle with could make the scene more intense, such as the big trees and branches in the way. I believe some really important sounds to include is this is a lot of panting from the running, maybe some wind of the trees, and some background music that is suspenseful to help intensify the mood. Using multiple angles is key in this kind of scene to express that fast pacing, and the worried face of the characters. For example, close ups of the characters feet passing by as they run through the woods, or a tight close up of the face sweating and being worried from the situation their in. 

I think for the antagonist or creature/killer I wont show their face and it could maybe be something like a POV like the Halloween movie opening I reviewed on another post, but I havent decided yet. If I do show the killer's body or identity, it will be very quick and brief shots. Maybe I could show the bloody knife in their hand or something else.

Now for the title card, I am allowed to include it towards the end but not all the way at the end. My idea is to have a title card shown after the character gets caught/killed, and then after the title card for about 20 sec or a couple of shots, I will show the killer dragging the body in a bag.

Overall, I think I have a decent idea of what Im going to film, but doing more things such as the storyboard will better help me visualize my shots. And continuing these blogs will help me get new ideas and think deeply about my own idea.

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CCR Link

Here i the CCR both parts: Part 1- Part 2-